Unlock your peak-state of performance in all categories of life






Skill Level





Do you sometimes feel like you are not living to your fullest potential?

Do you ever experience brain fog, insomnia, poor memory, uncontrollable emotions, stomach bloating, lost libido, or a lack of motivation?  Do you ever feel a need to forever play catch-up while all of your friends are getting ahead in life?  This course is design to help you reach your optimal state – so that you can rock it in all categories of your life.  

We’ve designed this course to be modular, so that we can focus on your unique needs and find the “low hanging fruits” in your life that, once obtained, can provide you with immediate and extraordinary benefits.  We will first start by assessing your baseline in 12 categories of your life and establish a benchmark for what ideal success looks like.  

Given your aptitude and what you prioritize, we will hone down on 1-3 categories at a time and aim to optimize each component of your life – step by step.  Within just a few weeks, you can experience more energy, a stronger body, smarter mind, or and a feeling that you are moving towards your defined life vision.

How will this course help you?

Who is this course for?

Learning Path

This will be a private consultation. An intimate conversation between you and I, where I will discover your basic desires, unravel the complexities of your personality type, and discover how we can unlock the full potential of your being.  I will follow-up the initial assessment with potential recommendations based on your expressed needs.

I will conduct multiple assessments to understand your basic competencies and identify rooms for improvement.

 We will hone down on the exact area of life you would like to work on initially and progress towards measurable milestones.  You will see tangible achievements after each session. 

When appropriate, you have the option to attend a guided weekend retreat, where I will help facilitate a number of exercises for you to realize your highest worth.

Once you have achieved your version of success, I invite you to my home for a warm meal and celebration of all your achievements.

What People Are Saying

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