
A Framework to Access Your Highest Self

Imagine what life could be like if you can become your most authentic self. You no longer have to sacrifice your happiness for work, sleep for a social life, or health for money. You can achieve a state of higher purpose whereby everything that you do in your day-to-day connects to your inner artist. The art of living will then be your greatest masterpiece and an inspiration to all.

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On Reading Well – How to Read a Book a Day and Retain it All

ccording to my friends, the number of books that I read is quite insane. I typically read 2-7 books a week. I’ve read ~50 books in 2017, ~100 books in 2019, and ~150 books in 2020. My reading speed accelerates each year as I get better in the art of reading. I anticipate that I will read well over 250 books by the end of 2021

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Taming the Wild Beast

As the common saying goes: “if you do not use it- you will lose it”. The same sense applies in all the ways that you’ve distanced your body from nature. If you do not expose yourself to perceivably life-threatening situations, then your body loses its ability to process stress productively. If you do not expose yourself to the cold, your body loses its ability to rapidly generate heat. And if you do not expose your body to hunger, then it loses the ability to process your fat storage into energy. Thus, chronic anxiety, poor immune health, and obesity plague first-world economies.

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